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Many people have things they want to change about their smile but they would not do anything at all if it meant removing some of their natural enamel to make it happen. That’s exactly why Micro-thin veneers were developed! These thin layers of custom-designed porcelain can be attached to the front of natural teeth, enhancing the smile without doing any damage to the tooth itself.

Not everyone is a good candidate for prepless veneers. If you feel like your teeth appear small or short, if the sides of your smile seem narrow, or if you have spaces between your teeth, there is a good chance you would be a candidate for this exciting approach to cosmetic dentistry. If you simply want your smile to have more “presence”, Micro-thin veneers might be the perfect solution.

With a dentist trained in the specifics techniques of artistic prepless dentistry and a laboratory skilled in fabricating the custom porcelain veneers, you may be able to have the smile you want without doing any damage to your teeth.

A certified Microthin dentist can study every aspect of your situation and make sure that the results will look beautiful, not thick or bulky. Call today to schedule a consultation or a thorough diagnostic visit.